Little Guys, Starting Their Third Week of Life
Tree fragment perches are still very popular |
Last night the clocks got reset, someone forgot to give the babies the memo. They were already awake and peeping by the time I got to the kitchen. We hastily set up their brooder home. As usual they bolted out and headed directly for the water dish. A night under the heater makes them very thirsty.
Chickens are dust bathers. So are Peafowl. If we had not already seen peafowl dust bathing in our yard we would have thought our chickens were broken.
This video is just a small section of the 45-minutes the chickens spent wriggling around in the dust of the pine chips. It started with Oddball and he was going at it for at least 15 minutes. Then, ever so slowly, other chickens took their turns in the crumbs. They really seem to love it. Chickens hate water (except for drinking).GOOD MORNING WORLD