Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Trained jumping fluffy baby roosters jumping for CAKE


CAKE = dried mealworms, sunflower kernels, and gelatin binding goo

Flock 2 May 4th


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Baby Chicken Land - Day 1

 The ten new chickens came home from Tractor Supply on April 8, 2021.  We figure they were born on Sunday April 4 and shipped on Monday, arrived in Melbourne on Wednesday, and we bought them on Thursday 4/8.  They aren't very loving yet since they aren't quite ready to be bribed with treats, but they're so insanely soft and so cute.  We haven't given all of them specific names yet, but here are their tentative names.  It's easy to count them, because there are 4 white, 3 brown, 2 bumble bee, and 1 black silkie = 10 tiny chickens.

1: Yoyo (white with yellow beak and ....   frizzle!).  Yoyo for yellow body, yellow beak.  Feathered feet.

2, 3, and 4:  White Silkies - they're very mellow and not very curious or inquisitive, so I endearingly call them the Fluffy Dummies.  Feathered feet (feathered everything haha)

5, 6, and 7:  The brown babies.  Sable, Minky, and Foxy.  Clean legs and feet.

8 and 9:  The bumble bees Buzzy and Fuzzy.  Very intricate patterns, clean legs and feet.

10.  Little Tom (named after Mark's brother).  Black, silkie, fluffy, feathered feet, and LOTS of attitude.


We set up a wonderful new playland for them yesterday, here they are dust bathing in "Dummyland".

Friday, April 9, 2021

Raven Crowed This Morning!

 When we opened up the coop to say "good morning" to Flock #1, Raven flew to the top perch and crowed!

Raven (top male rooster from Flock #1) was clearly trying to say "cockadoodle doo"  Although it sounded more like "hooo hooo hooooo" in a very high pitched voice.

Awwwww Raven's first words!

Uh oh More Chickens! Flock #2, Welcome to P2

Uh oh......We bought 10 more Bantams today at Tractor Supply.  Here's a sneak peek of how tiny and cute they are:

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Chicken Sneak Peek 3-25-21

 The babies are growing up SO fast.  Here's a few zooms on Lemon (and one on Raven flying).

When one chicken hears a noise that might mean danger, he makes a distinctive trill-like "chirp" that starts what we call "freeze frame".  The chickens FREEZE, absolutely still and quiet, up to a minute, until someone sounds the "all clear".  Mark and I are trying hard to learn "chicken".

A beautiful backlit photo of Lemon, Nugget, and Angel




Raven captured in a rare "in flight" view

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 The Chicks Are Still Small and Wonderful

We had bonding time with the chicks yesterday, DAY 11. Mark holds them while Mary snapped the photos. The pictures speak for themselves.